Our wonderful volunteer treasurer, Anne Raikes, is stepping down after many years of skilful and devoted service. Could YOU be our new Treasurer? No accountancy qualification is needed, just about one day a month to spare. Interested? Here is some more information to help you decide.

The role of HealthWatch Treasurer takes little time – you would simply need to draw up an up-to-date financial position prior to each committee meeting, create the annual accounts from the Excel records, submit the Gift Aid claim and update the details of trustees on the Charity Commission website. In total this involves about one day a month, with an extra day each year each for the accounts and gift aid returns.

Attendance at committee meetings (currently virtual) is not necessary but it does help you feel part of the team and is useful to know what is going on. The charity's income consists of membership subscriptions plus gift aid and donations. Outgoings are related to costs associated with the Annual General Meeting, producing 3 or 4 Newsletters each year, and of the occasional special event (a public debate or symposium).

Banking is online, and the work is straightforward and Excel-based. Our annual accounts are independently audited.

Another thing that simplifies the accounts considerably - this charity has no salaried staff. Like our Treasurer, all work is done by our fabulous and enthusiastic volunteers. 

If you are interested, please get in touch with HealthWatch's Secretary via our contact form.